Gurukul Logo

" The potential of a nation resides in the untapped brilliance of its underprivileged youth. By supporting their education, we unlock the reservoir of talent that can transform our world. "

  • The Gurukul scholarship program, initiated by the Siyavati Foundation, aims to sponsor two male students annually from economically disadvantaged backgrounds
  • We provide support to students in either 10th or 12th grade who are preparing for their final board examinations
  • To qualify, the student's family income must not exceed 1.8 lakh per annum, and they should own no more than 10 Katha of land in a village or half a Katha in a city
  • Admission to the program will be based on a logical/reasoning test and academic subject assessments
  • Two students are chosen each year and awarded scholarships to reside and study in the Kanhauli area of Muzaffarpur. Additionally, they will receive a stipend of Rs. 800 per month.

Gurukul Logo

" To reconnect is to acknowledge the past, embrace the present, and carve a path toward a future where relationships are not just mended but strengthened by the wisdom of experience. "


  • We aim to foster humanity and compassion by repairing fractured relationships and nurturing new connections
  • Challenges in relationships arise in various settings such as home, office, and school. Join us to benefit from the expertise of our qualified professionals and cultivate healthier relationships
  • Navigating moral dilemmas or uncertainty about the right path can be daunting. Engage with us in discussions to gain clarity and enrich your mind and spirit
  • Our monthly group discussions provide an opportunity for mutual learning in the presence of qualified experts, all free of charge
  • The foundation facilitates discussion spaces, expert guidance, logistical support, and technological resources to aid marginalized individuals in society.

Adopt Parent

" In the embrace of compassion, adopting older individuals becomes a commitment to ensuring that the chapters of their lives are filled with dignity, companionship, and a sense of belonging. "


  • Based on some research, there are one in three old people in the world are alone or lonely, the foundation attempts to reduce their loneliness as much as possible.
  • We can adopt a child, but can we also adopt the parent in need and serve the society as a whole and grow the kindness in the world?
  • Parents in need and the people want to offer their services can register here and adopt parent(s) into the service of humanity.
  • The foundation makes sure the background of senior citizen and the service provider are clean and they are beyond their personal greed.
  • The senior citizens choose to opt for the kind of services they are looking for and service provider chooses for the kind of services they can offer, the role of foundation is to provide the platform to bring these two poles together to serve the humanity.
  • There is no money involved from either side at any stage of engagement in this noble cause.
  • Let's come together, serve the society, serve the humanity and lets attempt to reduce the pain or suffering of the old people in the world and get the priceless blessing from these noble souls.
  • Let's find our social responsibilities and purpose of life to make at least some people smiling and happy at the evening stage of their life .